What we are
100% Independent.
We are not a public company that is more concerned with its shareholders than its clients. Banks often invest where they, and not their clients, make the most money.
Research comes from multiple sources, including well-known banks and boutique houses, as well as our own in-house analysts. Consequently our outlook is well rounded and not biased. We also know what we do not know.
Our affiliated companies Regulation:
Elgin Wealth Management Ltd is regulated by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission and is licensed as an Investment Adviser (Unrestricted). License number GB22200611
Elgin AMC is a trade name of Numisma Capital Ltd, which is regulated by CySEC (license number 122/10) and licensed under MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC) to provide investment services. It has passporting rights to offer its services to all 28 EU countries.
Straight talking
No elusive answers to any questions from advisors or clients
Zeus on-line reporting 24/7 and by phone during normal hours – (answered by people, not machines)